Yeşilova Holding continues its efforts to increase employee satisfaction as a part of the +45 Transformation Program, which it has put forward in order to carry the power it has gained from the past 45 years to the future. With this approach, on the first business day after a long break, all employees in the holding and its companies were greeted with musical treats and refreshments.
Yeşilova Holding, which entered into a systematic improvement process with the "Freedom and Responsibility Awareness" it revealed as a part of the +45 Transformation Program, continues to work towards the value it gives to its employees, as well as contributing to the city and country's economy with its works in the aluminum sector.
Yeşilova Holding and its subsidiaries Can Aluminum, Cansan Alüminyum, Canray Transportation, Can Metal, Canel Automotive and Holiday Inn Bursa City Center hosted an event to motivate their employees on the first working day after the holiday. In the event, which was planned to start the first working day with pleasure after a long break, it was aimed to feel the 'positive', which is among the values of Yeşilova Holding, and the message "We are together, we are strong" was conveyed to the employees. In the event held with the theme of "Returns are Good", employees of the holding and its subsidiaries, who were welcomed with music and treats at the company entrances, expressed their satisfaction with this surprise, which started the day positively.
The innovating, changing and digitalizing world also reveals generational differences. In this context, in order to achieve success in our companies, we need...